A transparent policy regarding revisions is an important aspect of good governance in statistics. Revisions are broadly defined as any change in statistics released to the public by an official statistical agency. Changes may be correctional, or due to improved methodology, new data sources or routine recalculations (a change in base periods, for example). In some instances, revisions are planned in advance in line with a regular schedule, in which case their release can be anticipated.
Good revisions practice entails announcing when to expect revisions and why they are being undertaken in a format that is readily accessible to users. In this regard, the Botswana Financial Statistics, in the timetable for statistics, includes the anticipated revisions schedule for the statistics that the Bank of Botswana is responsible for compiling.
In other instances however, notably when they are correctional or based on new information, revisions cannot be planned in advance. But in all cases, whether they are planned or not, as revisions are made, affected data are highlighted and, if necessary, explanatory notes are provided. Follow-up enquiries to obtain additional information concerning revisions can be made with the Information and Database Systems section:
Tel: +267 360 6239
Email: ramadik@bob.bw