This website caters for the needs of a variety of users. Much of the material is technical in nature and many users are looking for the details of these technicalities. At the same time, the site should also be of use to the general public who rely on the central bank either as a source of basic information (on daily exchange rates, for example) or for non-technical explanations of recent economic developments and policy decisions.
Striking the correct balance here is difficult. But one way is to help users to find their way quickly to the material they are looking for. The following are important tips for making the best use of the website:
- Every effort has been made to include all the relevant material that the Bank can make public. So if we are able to help you, the information you seek should be here.
- Use the site map for an overview of the layout of the website.
- Look at the frequently asked questions (FAQs) page for accessible answers to basic questions about the Bank and its operations. If the answer you are looking for is not there, then please contact us and we will do our best to help. (If the question is of wider interest, then it can be added to the FAQs.)
- Use the website to find economic and financial data. It is much faster than requesting the same information from Bank of Botswana Staff; all the data that we are able to publish are included, and are available in several convenient formats:
- consult the National Summary Data Page for key data on Botswana;
- download the monthly Botswana Financial Statistics for a wide range of economic and financial data in spreadsheet format;
- use the interactive data search facility for historical data on exchange rates, interest rates, inflation rates and the level of foreign reserves (and use this to draw your own charts);
- browse chart packs for ready-made, graphical presentations.
- If you are lost in the technical details of economic policy, then look at the ‘policy basics’ pages (one each for monetary policy and exchange rate policy).
- Use the links to other pages and useful external websites to access additional information. Relevant links are included on many pages, as well as the dedicated links page. If you know of other links that could be useful, please contact us.
- Sign up for email notification (newly-published documents, latest news and press releases) or RSS feeds (latest news), press releases, interest rates and exchange rates
- If you have any suggestions about how this website could be improved further, then feel free to contact us.