Issuances are conducted quarterly with issuance amounts determined by the joint Bank of Botswana/Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Bond Auction Committee. Issuance typically target benchmarks bonds with the objective of developing a risk free yield curve that can be used by market participants as a reference for pricing other instruments. The targeted benchmarks are the 2-year, 5-year, 10-year and the 20-year maturities and they provide the standard against which the performance of other bonds in the market can be measured. Through the Financial Markets Department, the Bank continues to work with market participants to explore initiatives to improve the functioning of domestic bond markets, including enhancing market liquidity.  Botswana Government Bonds have been included in the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) African Bond Index. The African Bond Index is expected to provide comprehensive data to investors interested in investing in African bond markets. It therefore, serves as a pricing benchmark reference for investors in Africa.

Money and Capital Markets data comprised of the following:

4.1   Interest Rates

4.2 Interest Rates: Nominal and Real

4.3 Bank of Botswana Certificates and Reverse Repos: Total Outstanding

4.4 Bank of Botswana Certificates: Auctions Summary

4.5 Botswana Stock Exchange